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Message from Secretary Hitt: South Carolina's Economy Diversified in 2018

Two-time Super Bowl champion football coach Bill Parcells once said, "If you've ever won a championship, then that's all you're interested in doing." In the Palmetto State, we've certainly experienced our share of success recently. After reviewing the industry recruitment results from the last 12 months, it's clear that Parcells' statement certainly rings true for Team South Carolina. 

Building on the momentum generated in previous years, from January to December, the state won 162 economic development projects, accounting for more than $4.1 billion in capital investment and approximately 14,000 new jobs. More than just creating opportunities for the citizens of South Carolina, these projects will help diversify the state's economy, making it more prosperous and resilient in the years to come. 

An example of this diversity, the state recruited more than 4,000 jobs in the office, headquarters and research and development sector last year. Now, in addition to leading the way in manufacturing, South Carolina is also becoming a top destination for headquarters facilities and other office projects.

To view the complete 2018 industry recruitment report, click here.