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Message from Secretary Hitt: On the Cutting Edge of Logistics

In economic development, it's no secret that companies locate where they know they can be profitable and have success. One of the key factors in determining whether a company will be successful is its ability to quickly and efficiently transport goods to market. Fortunately, for Team South Carolina, with a favorable geographic location and robust port and infrastructure assets, the Palmetto State offers unparalleled global connectivity. And, as a result, a booming logistics industry has been cultivated within our borders.

According to the S.C. Council on Competitiveness, South Carolina's logistics sector employs more than 113,000 people and contributes approximately $32 billion to the state's economy. Now a major economic driver for South Carolina, this industry has great potential for continued growth in the years ahead. Recognizing this, the SC Logistics initiative was established by the Council on Competitiveness in July 2016. Supported by the S.C. Department of Commerce, the objectives of this statewide effort are to connect, market and grow South Carolina's logistics industry.  

As this initiative continues to build momentum, SC Logistics will be hosting its inaugural TechTalk on Wednesday, September 13 in Charleston, S.C. The event will feature discussions on several significant industry trends, including an on-demand logistics presentation by Uber Freight, as well as a presentation on the advances in fuel economy by the North American Council on Freight Efficiency. Additionally, Transplace, one of South Carolina's own logistics start-up successes, will be presenting on the significant industry trend of anticipatory logistics and how it's changing the supply chain of today. Click here to register for this half-day conference and reception. 

Moving forward, we know that Team South Carolina's success in recruiting world-class companies will depend on our ability to understand and embrace the latest innovations within logistics. That's why events, such as the upcoming TechTalk, are so important. As we explore these advances and remain on the cutting edge, we'll be able to solidify South Carolina's status as a global leader in economic development for years to come.