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South Carolina aspires to lead the nation in responding to the needs of small businesses.

One of the greatest challenges to a small business is complying with regulations that hinder its ability to grow or survive. In 2004, the State of South Carolina addressed this challenge by creating the SC Small Business Regulatory Review Committee.

Who makes up the SC Small Business Regulatory Review Committee?

The Committee is made up of 11 business owners who have volunteered their time to review current regulatory issues facing small businesses. They have the ability to either work with the agency or the General Assembly, when necessary, in getting an alternative regulation adopted if it appears that the regulation puts undue pressure on small business. For a list of Committee members, click here.

What authority does the Committee have?

The State of South Carolina has given the Committee the following powers to address the needs of small business.

Proposed Regulations:

The Committee has authority to:

  • Direct an agency to prepare an economic impact statement.
  • Direct an agency to prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis.
  • Request a final assessment report from the Office of Research and Statistics of the Budget and Control Board.

Existing Regulations:

The Committee has authority to:

  • File a petition with the agency that has promulgated the concerning regulation.
  • Contact the Speaker of the House, President Pro Tempore of the Senate and/or the Governor for legislative redress.

How were the Committee members appointed?

There are 11 South Carolina business owners who make up the SC Small Business Regulatory Review Committee, with five being appointed by the Governor, three appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and three appointed by the Speaker of the House. The Chairs of the SC House and Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Committees also serve as ex-officio members.

Upcoming Meetings

How do I contact the Committee?

The success of small business is critically important to the economic success of South Carolina. If you have a question about small business regulations or laws please, submit a question. You may contact the Committee at [email protected] or 803-737-0400. Staff can also provide you with a copy of the SC Small Business Regulatory Review Committee's most recent minutes.