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Video: S.C. Commerce and the business of building relationships

S.C. Commerce is pleased to unveil a new video highlighting the recent supplier event for South Carolina companies looking to do business with Oshkosh Defense in Spartanburg County. The event, hosted by S.C. Commerce and OneSpartanburg, Inc. in October, provided around 150 S.C.-based companies the opportunity to meet face-to-face with representatives from the electric vehicle manufacturer.  

Oshkosh Defense will produce zero-emission battery electric vehicles and fuel-efficient low-emission internal combustion engine vehicles that will replace the United States Postal Service’s existing fleet of delivery vehicles. The company is investing $155 million into its South Carolina operations, creating more than 1,000 new jobs. 

Events like this supplier matchmaker are critical for both large and small companies, as they facilitate introductions that lead to mutually beneficial business relationships, ultimately developing new supply chains that help keep the S.C. economy strong. 

Click here to learn about statewide supplier connection and introduction programs.