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뉴스 및 정보

Isuzu selects Greenville County to establish its new United States production base

Isuzu North America Corporation (Isuzu), a supplier of commercial vehicles, today announced it has selected Greenville County to establish the company’s new production base in the United States. The company’s $280 million investment will create more than 700 new jobs.

Eaton expands South Carolina footprint with new manufacturing facility in Union County

Eaton, a global leader in intelligent power management technologies, today announced it is growing its South Carolina footprint with new operations in Union County. The company’s $340 million investment will create 700 new jobs and establish a new manufacturing facility for three-phase transformers, critical to the nation’s power grid and across industries.

HII selects Berkeley County to establish its first South Carolina operation

COLUMBIA, S.C. – HII (NYSE: HII), a global defense provider, announced it selects Berkeley County to establish the company’s first South Carolina operation through the acquisition of substantially all of the assets of W International SC, LLC and Vivid Empire SC, LLC (collectively, “W International”), a South Carolina-based complex metal fabricator specializing in the manufacture of shipbuilding structures, modules and assemblies.

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