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Message from Secretary Hitt: A Resilient Team South Carolina

Football coach Nick Saban once said, "One thing about championship teams is that they're resilient." Reflecting the tenacity that permeates a winning team, that statement certainly rings true for the Palmetto State. After all, we have a championship team of our own -- Team South Carolina -- and time and time again, our team has overcome adversity, growing stronger and more united than ever before. 

Over the last week, South Carolina was once again tested as Hurricane Florence and subsequent flooding impacted many across our state. In both preparation and response, businesses and residents, alike, have banded together to ensure the safety of our citizens and a swift return to normalcy after the flood waters subside. 

In some areas of South Carolina, water levels continue to rise. As this occurs, communication and collaboration between industry and local and state officials will remain critical. Business leaders can access the latest, most up-to-date information by visiting or contacting the state's Emergency Support Function (ESF) 24 at [email protected] or 803.737.8524. Businesses are also encouraged to reach out to ESF 24 to report damage or request assistance.

In the weeks and months ahead, as we rebuild and recover from the aftermath of this latest weather event, Team South Carolina's resiliency will once again take center stage. As it does, and our great state gets back on its feet, we'll be able to return to the winning ways we've worked so hard to cultivate.