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Two complete S.C. Economic Development Institute in May

COLUMBIA, S.C. – On Friday, May 18, two local leaders completed the S.C. Economic Development Institute (Institute). Anna DeLage of the S.C. Department of Commerce and Jamie Gilbert of Lancaster County received Certificates of Completion at the conclusion of May’s community development session held in Lake City, S.C.

A partnership between the S.C. Department of Commerce and the S.C. Economic Developers’ Association (SCEDA), the Institute emphasizes elements necessary to be competitive in today’s global economy and educates supporters of economic development on emerging trends in community and economic development.

Now in its 28th year, the program is comprised of quarterly, two-day sessions for which participants travel to various locations throughout South Carolina that have been successful in community development and attracting and expanding their business and industrial base. Attendees gain insight into issues relating to: water and wastewater infrastructure; available industrial or business buildings; and the importance of other community development components necessary to attract investment.

The Institute is open to participants from a wide variety of organizations and entities, including: city, town and county councils; local economic development practitioners; county economic development boards; county school boards; regional economic development boards; utility companies; and local and state government employees.

Approximately 60 participants are enrolled in the program’s 2018 class, which began in February and will conclude this November. For more information on the South Carolina Economic Development Institute, please visit or contact SCEDA at 803-929-0305.

For photos of the two graduates, visit the S.C. Commerce flickr page or click on the hyperlinks below.

May 2018 S.C. Economic Development Institute Graduates: